Semper Florens, situated on Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708PB Wageningen, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this terms and conditions.
Droevendaalsesteeg 1
6708 PB Wageningen
Semper Florens processes your personal data, because you use our services and/or because you
provide it to us yourself. Below an overview of the personal data we process:
- First and last name
- Date of birth
- Address data
- Phonenumber
- E-mail
- Bank account
- Registration Number
- Nationality
- Starting year of study
- Other personal data that you actively provide, like a profile at our website, in correspondence and
- by phone
Our website and/or service does not have the intention to collect data from our website visitors. Besides we can not control that a visitor is 16 years or older. If you are convinced that we without permission have collected data of a person (under the age of 16) please contact us via, we will then delete this information. In terms of sensitive personal data Semper Florens processes medical information in specific cases, which is explained below at 'Medical information'.
Semper Florens processes your data for the following goals:
- Processing your payments
- Sending the internodium to the indicated post address
- Sending the weekly mail
- To contact you if necessary to perform our services
- To inform you about changes in our products and services
- To offer you the opportunity of creating an account on our website
- To generate a discount at the WUR shops
- Using a suitable language in e-mail contact
- To control age-related activities
- To ensure the safety of our members
Semper Florens saves your personal data not longer than necessary to achieve our goals for which your data is stored. The personal data will be saved until the end of your membership.
Semper Florens does not sell your personal data to third parties and provides these only if this is necessary for the implementation of our agreement with you or to cope with our legal requirements. With institutions that process your data commissioned by Semper Florens, we close a processor agreement so we can ensure the same level of security and confidentiality of your data. Semper Florens remains responsible for the processing of this personal data.
Semper Florens only uses technical and functional cookies. Also analytical cookies that do not infringe on your privacy. Cookies are a little text file that is saved on your computer, tablet or smartphone at the first use of our website. The cookies that we use are essential for the technical functionality of our website and your ease of use. To ensure the working of our website and to remember, for example, your preferences. We can also optimize our website with this. You can sign out for cookies in the setup of your browser, so it will not save any cookies. Besides, you can delete the saved information in the settings of your browser.
You have the right to view, change and/or to delete your personal data. Besides you have the right to withdraw your permission of data processing or to object against the processing of your personal data by Semper Florens. You can send a request to view, change or delete your personal data, a request to withdraw your permission or to object against processing your personal data can be send to We will respond as quickly as possible, but at least within three weeks. As Semper Florens we also want to advert that there is the possibility to complain at the national supervisor, the Dutch Data Protection Authority. This is possible with the following link:
Semper Florens takes the protection of your personal data serious and takes appropriate measures to prevent abuse, loss, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure and unauthorized modification. If you have the impression that your personal data is not secured properly or you have some clues of abuse, please contact us via
Semper Florens is not responsible for the use of alcohol by our members. The board is aware of the age of the members. We monitor the alcohol consumption among persons under age during our own activities and will intervene if necessary. However, we do not give any guarantees around alcohol consumption, because alcohol consumption (by people under age) remains at your own risk.
Certain activities that Semper Florens organises can be detrimental to the health of people with certain medical conditions or on specific medicine. To ensure the safety of its members Semper Florens can ask and store relevant medical information until the end of the activity for which the data was asked. This information will/should not spread outside of the committee organising the activity or the board.
Pictures will be made at activities organised by Semper Florens or in collaboration with other parties. Imagery made by Semper Florens is stored and shared on the website and on other media belonging to Semper Florens. The website of semper florens gives access to all imagery made by Semper Florens only to all her members. Sharing of imagery with others, than our own members is done by means of a selection of representative visual material. With representative visual material, attention is paid to not encumbering and displaying adverse images of Semper Florens members. Each member can object to the storage and sharing of visual material in which the relevant member is displayed. Objections that contain a request for removal will be dealt with as soon as possible, but at least within three weeks.