Semper Florens is proud to work together with prominent figures in the plant industry. Our sponsors are dedicated to providing a good insight in their company, and we organize excursions to visit our sponsors. Take a look at the sponsors currently sponsoring Semper Florens.
Agri Recruitment is a national Recruitment and Selection Agency for highly educated people and focuses on the Agribusiness and Horticulture sectors, both national and international! With origins in the ‘Westland’, we focus with great enthusiasm and expertise on the labor market for Bachelors and Masters. An extensive network ensures quality in service. We translate the candidates’ wishes into opportunities for an interesting job.
What distinguishes Agri Recruitment?
The keyword here is customization and personal advice. Each applicant has specific wishes and a unique profile. A good analysis, targeted advice with a possible introduction following and hopefully a match, ensure satisfied professionals.
Driven HBO and WO graduates can request an exploratory interview in which the opportunities on the labor market are discussed. The various vacancies within our network are suitable for qualified starters. You can contact Agri Recruitment without any obligation to discuss the options as a candidate.
Unlimited in varieties offering unlimited possibilities
Anthura is the worldwide expert in Anthurium and Orchid breeding with more than 80 years of experience. We recently started breeding Bromeliads. We use innovative techniques to develop sustainable varieties that find their way to consumers via growers. Our progressive and high-quality research into Anturium and Orchids has led to stronger plants with new colors and shapes. Over 700 varieties are marketed in more than 70 countries.
It is in our DNA to keep raising the bar. By working closely together – both internally and externally – we are able to stay one step ahead of the market. Only together we can create the most beautiful end-product. This fits perfectly with our mission to make the world more beautiful and allow everyone, anywhere in the world, to enjoy Anthuriums, Bromeliads and Orchids.
A world of possibilities–that’s what Joseph Barenbrug pictured when he saw grass. He initiated the development of varieties for different purposes that is still ongoing today. These varieties are suitable for a wide range of climates. Tasty and healthy forages with high nutritional value for cattle, fine leaved and attractive green grass for parks and gardens, slow-growing grass for lawns, strong grass for sports pitches and recreation. We will be the partner of choice for innovative and sustainable forage and turf solutions. We put the customer at the heart of our business. That is our commitment, our Barenbrug promise
Beekenkamp Group has over 2,600 employees worldwide, working in vegetables, pot and bedding plants, packaging and chrysanthemums. This combination puts us in a unique position in the market. Our motto: ‘Together for the best result’ is a guarantee of quality and reliability for our customers and partners. We engage in worldwide collaboration which enables us to create high-quality products. Innovation is in our genes. We embrace new technologies and work together to achieve top quality for our growers worldwide. We are committed to our work, our products and our customers. A personal approach and short communication lines are the hallmarks of the Beekenkamp culture. And we are always looking for young professionals who want to dedicate their skills to strengthen our family business.
‘Together for the best result’
Bejo is a leading company in breeding, production, and sales of vegetable seeds. With operations in more than 30 countries, we are an internationally oriented family business. Our 2,200 employees are dedicated to developing the best vegetable varieties for the present and the future.
Together with our customers and partners we actively explore market opportunities and innovative research methods. The more we learn about plants, the more able we are to develop new varieties faster and more accurately than ever. This means varieties and seeds with even better growth characteristics that are well suited to sustainable farming. And it results in crops that meet growers’ needs and vegetables that appeal to consumers.
As the world population increases and more mouths need to be fed, there is a steadily growing need for good, healthy food. We contribute with our expertise and by further improving our breeding methods. We stay close to nature to develop the best vegetable seeds so growers around the world can harvest healthy and flavourful varieties for consumers to enjoy, today and in fifty years’ time.
B-Mex is a young and growing company specialized in the practical application of crop, greenhouse climate and soil models to support growers and farmers in their decision-making. Cultivating crops is a difficult process where many different factors are entangled and all have their effect on the crop and the eventual production. Finding the best strategy is thus not always easy and it can be difficult to oversee all the different factors that play a role. Whit changing weather conditions but also a faster changing world and climate it means that the strategy of last won’t work as good this year. Models have proven to give valuable insight in all the changing factors that influence the crop and can be of value in finding the optimal cultivation strategy for both the farmer and the environment.
The software systems we build help in the decision making surrounding the cultivations of multiple crops. In greenhouses we help to simulate the effects of different climate strategies. In arable farming we help to show the effects of decisions surrounding fertilization and irrigation. In this way we help to cultivate in a more sustainable and efficient way.
Examples of our model-based tools:
We are often looking for new people that can help us make theoretical knowledge applicable in practice. Find more information on our website
World market leader in onion seed
De Groot en Slot is a Dutch company, based in the province of North-Holland. It excels in a particular area of specialist expertise: onion seed. We enjoy more than 65 years of experience in the development and production of onion seed. A successful venture we are extremely proud of. Together with our partner Bejo, De Groot en Slot is one of the dominant forces in onion seed on the global market.
There’s a good reason why we are the leading onion seed specialists. But we don’t just do onion seeds. We develop numerous other products from the Allium group. For example, shallots, onion sets, spring onions and garlic.
We place a high value on specialism and knowledge, which is why, as a centre of knowledge and source of information, we offer huge added value, not only to growers but also to the entire onion sector.
Enza Zaden is a vegetable breeding company that develops vegetable varieties. We produce and sell the seeds of these varieties all over the world.
For more than 80 years we are working with the best that nature offers. We support this with state-of-the-art technologies to speed up our breeding process.
The results? Strong, healthy, tasty and climate-proof vegetable varieties with higher yield per square meter and less need of crop protection products or fertilizer.
Our strength? More than 2000 passionate colleagues worldwide working together on the vegetables of tomorrow. Enza Zaden is an independent family company in which employees spread across 6 continents work together closely in international teams.
Hazera is a worldwide leader in breeding, developing, producing, and marketing vegetable seeds.
Hazera’s headquarters are situated in Israel and in The Netherlands, with subsidiaries in twelve countries and an extensive distribution network providing services in over 100 additional markets.
Hazera is part of the Limagrain Group, an international agri-business based in France. Being a farmers’ cooperative, the Limagrain Group understands the needs of its customers and has grown to become the largest seed company in Europe, specializing in vegetables, field crops and cereal products.
HilverdaFlorist focuses on the breeding, propagation, and development of a wide range of cut flowers, potted and garden plants. This is done with a strong drive and focus on innovation. HilverdaFlorist is the supplier of high-quality young plant material suitable for every climate and cultivation requirement.
As a breeder and propagator of diverse plant material, we have been at the beginning of the chain for over 100 years. We find it important to maintain strong long-term collaborations with our partners, customers and suppliers, but certainly also with our employees. We work closely together, supporting each other where necessary, in order to achieve the best results together. Curious about our study and job options? Contact or visit /
Royal Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology
(Koninklijke Nederlandse Plantenziektekundige Vereniging KNPV)
The goal of our society is to exchange knowledge on plant diseases, plant health and plant protection. To accomplish this we publish a journal, organize meetings (2x p.y.) and have several working groups. Together with Semper Florens we arrange a yearly discussion / theme evening.
Interested? Students become member at reduced rate (€ 12,50 p.y.). This includes the journal Gewasbescherming (mostly in Dutch, 6x p.y.), free entry at meetings (drinks / meal included) and a nice network.
More information to be found on our website
Limagrain is an agricultural cooperative and an international seed group owned by 1,300 farmers located in Limagne Val d’Allier (in the center of France). Present in 49 countries and with 9,335 employees, the Group breeds, produces and distributes field seeds, vegetable seeds and agri-food products.
Focused on the genetic progress of plants, Limagrain is the fourth largest seed group worldwide. Through well-known brands on their markets such as LG, Vilmorin, Hazera, Harris Moran, Jacquet and Brossard, the Group makes 2,107 million euros in sales, to which is added 720 million euros made jointly with its strategic partners. - @Limagrain
Join us in innovating for the future! As a pure seed leader, not involved in agrochemicals, Limagrain creates, produces and sells vegetable and field seeds. In addition to expertise in cereals, the Group also boasts chains of excellence - from seeds to bread. As our mission is to foster agriculture to better feed the world, our actions are driven by innovation – all types of innovation, whether varietal, genomic, agronomic, environmental, technological or social, in the interest of responsible progress that promotes sustainable solutions. In each of the 56 countries where it is present, Limagrain encourages all its employees to take initiatives and express themselves – for the benefit of everyone involved.
Plant Lighting is a research institute bridging the gap between fundamental and applied plant sciences. We aim to improve crop production and energy efficiency of both vegetable and floricultural crops. Our focus is on horticultural crops grown in controlled environments (greenhouses or vertical farms). Additionally, we do phenotyping experiments of open-field crops and develop speed-breeding strategies in climate chambers. We have close relationships with (mainly Dutch) growers and international breeding companies. With our team of about 10 researchers, we do experiments in our own climate chambers in Bunnik (Utrecht) and in experimental greenhouses throughout the Netherlands. Seven of our staff-members have a background in plant sciences (MSc or PhD). Our expertise is on plant-environment interactions (light, CO2, etc.), photosynthesis, photobiology and crop modeling. Several times per year we have internship opportunities for a student to participate in one of our plant growth experiments and/or crop modeling work (in some projects speaking Dutch is required).
Our mission is to produce more food with less input. We believe in helping breeders and growers with data-driven insights in their crops, thereby making high-performance cultivation more accessible. To do so, we are developing novel ultrasound sensors that ‘listen’ to plants, something that has never been done before.
Our start-up company is a spin-off from TU Delft and WUR, founded in 2023. Our team consists of young and ambitious people that are passionate about unraveling the mysteries that ultrasound plant signals hold for us. We are looking for students with a background in plant physiology to join our team. If you are interested, feel free to reach out to Berend via
Rijk Zwaan's head office is located in De Lier, near Delft. An international family business with a people-oriented corporate culture. Rijk Zwaan is at the beginning of the food chain. We develop vegetable varieties and sell the seeds to growers all over the world. We can from our position and want to contribute to the world food supply. This is about growth. The growth of a natural product, which we export worldwide. The growth of our company and especially the growth of our employees. With us you get all the space to do business and to develop yourself.
Royal Cosun is a cooperative and internationally leading agri-food company that converts the potential of plants into useful solutions for every day, such as plant-based foods and ingredients for humans and animals along with green, biobased non-food applications and sustainable energy. The business groups Aviko, Cosun Beet Company, Duynie Group, Sensus and SVZ are part of Cosun. In 2022, more than 4000 employees were working on the development and production of plant-based solutions, with which an annual turnover of approximately 3 billion euros was jointly achieved.
Seed Valley is the home to dozens of innovative companies that are worldwide leading in developing better plant varieties. Our seeds are spread all over the world. Did you know that more than half of all the vegetables in the world have their origins in Seed Valley?
Over 4000 employees work in Seed Valley on a daily basis to improve vegetable- and flower crops. Here ‘green software’ is developed, the genetic programming that determines how vegetables taste, the colour and size of a flower, and a plant’s level of resistance to diseases. This work never stops.
Over recent years, Vertify has evolved into one of the major agricultural research centres in the Netherlands in the field of applied research. With independent locations in North Holland and in the Westland region, as well as implementation locations at over 100 sites throughout the Netherlands and Belgium. Vertify is a flexible organization that offers high-quality applied research, providing results that are directly applicable to our clients.