History Kompatibelle

Incompatibelle, which later became Kompatibelle, was the association for the plant breeders. While the plant breeders first fell under Arvense the executives of the Wageningen University had decided that students should get a bigger say in university processes and student-professor contact became mandatory. To facilitate these new guidelines study associations were formed for all different studies. Kompatibelle was one of these study associations and was formed on the 13th of February 1969. Most of the initiative came from a currently unfortunately called professor Sneep (professor Snape from Harry Potter). The first board was even appointed in his lecture with Cees Seegeler as first chairman.

Prof. Sneep Prof. Dr. J. Sneep. Organizer of Kompatibelle and director of the plant breeding department.

In the beginning the association was purely functioning as a representative for the plant breeding students. Theme evenings were held every other month to keep members active in the association and there were short general meetings tied in with a drink. The first meeting was held in KSV (Student Association Franciscus). This was organised by a board of just 4 members. Since all plant related studies followed the same propaedeutic, the study association only became relevant in the second year. This second year was often kicked off with an introduction weekend (KA Kamp). This camp was a big deal for a lot of the plant breeding students, because they were often rather isolated, because the propaedeutic was too big to make friends easily (200 students). So a smaller study group with a shared association was a breath of fresh air for some, but other students had already joined a student association by then, making the study association less relevant for them.

Slowly but surely the association grew to have committees and their own magazine. First it was unoriginally called 'Mededelingen voor Plantenveredelaars' (Announcements for plant breeders). It changed to 'De Veredelaar' (The Breeder) in 1974 and just one year later to 'De Kweek' (The Brood). At the highest point there were about eight committees. While the first logo has yet to be retrieved, the logo that the association designed for its 20th anniversary is known. It represents a pea plant referring to Mendel and Mendelian genetics. The roots of the plants are meant to represent a chromosome that is being cut into pieces by restriction enzymes to also integrate the for that time new biotechnology techniques.

Like mentioned before the amount of students dropped. The studies were forced to merge and with that the study associations too. This became a reality on the 25th of September 1992 when Optima Flora was formed.

First logo Kompatibelle The first logo of Kompatibelle. Second logo Kompatibelle The second logo of Kompatibelle.

Our Sponsors

  • Agri Recruitment
  • Anthura
  • Barenbrug
  • Beekenkamp
  • Bejo Zaden
  • B-mex
  • Boerenverstand
  • De Groot en Slot
  • Delphy
  • Enza Zaden
  • Hazera
  • Hilverda
  • KNPV
  • Limagrain France
  • Limagrain Nederland
  • PlantLighting
  • Plense Technologies
  • Rijk Zwaan
  • Royal Cosun
  • Seed Valley
  • Vertify