As a committee member of the TDL committee there is one very pervasive question that we have to answer. “What does TDL stand for again?” Well, this committee organizes a big part of the ‘serious’ activities of Semper Florens, which are summarized into ‘Theme’, ‘Discussion’ and ‘Career’ (Dutch: loopbaan) evenings. Our main task is to organize talks and discussions where interesting plant-related topics are presented that are not discussed within our study so that members can broaden their knowledge or gain new perspectives.
We also try to prepare our members for their future career. We do so by organizing various talks by professionals of the agro-sector and even one-on-one talks about your own CV.
Maybe it sounds like we only organize serious activities, but sometimes we feel naughty and abuse the fact that our committees main goal, education, can be applied almost universally. In that case we often sniff out local breweries, vineyards or other delicacy producing locations and have a taste!
Arjan Rijkenhuizen, Anniek Blok, Merit Schulte, and Hylke Schakel (chair)