We of the Parentday committee are responsible for the annual day that is organized for the parents of the first year bachelor students of the study Plant Sciences. On this day the parents are in the center of attention. We provide them with the information of our bachelor study, as most of the students are too tired in the weekend to talk about this wonderful study field.
To get a good impression of our study the parents will follow two lectures of professors from which the students have got or will get lectures in their Bachelor as well. But plant sciences students don’t only go to lectures. So, the parents will also have a practical where they learn how to work with microscopes and plant material. And after a well provided lunch, the parents get a tour through the greenhouses of Unifarm.
Every year the Parentday can be a bit chaotic, but at the end of the day the parents are provided with a nice view of our very interesting and exciting study. And we can say that we have succeeded organizing this day.
Ingmar Boek (chair), Anne Strijtveen, Lex Bootsman, Markus Waterberg, Myrthe Gijben, Sanne van Weel, Boris Schol, Jurrien Joon, and Anje Vermeijden
Email: sf.ouderdag@wur.nl