The MeeloopdagCie organises group-walkalong days for the Bachelor Plant Sciences (please note this is a Dutch-language study). Here, potential new students can get an idea of what the study is like by spending a day at the university. This will include a lecture, a practical, meeting the study advisors, and having a look around the campus.
There are four group-walkalong days per year, so there is plenty to do. If you would like to help out during (part of) one of the walk-along days feel free to contact us at If you are a potential new student, you can sign up for a group-walkalong day, or alternatively for an individual-walkalong day.
Kind regards, the MeeloopdagCie
Eva Böckling (chair), Marit Bomhof, Sebastiaan Hassink, and Anje Vermeijden