Semper Florens

Group picture of AXI

The AXI (activity committee) organizes a lot of different activities for all members of Semper Florens. Every Wednesday during the lunchbreak the AXI members meet at Radix to plan, think about and create nice activities. However, after due to the fact we are the committee with the most fun, it’s hard to sometimes stay on topic.

Every period we organize at least one activity, but we prefer to organize more. We started in period 1 with a beerpongtoernament and went canoeing, these were both successful according to our members. In period 2 we are going to celebrate sinterklaas and are going bowling. The DIES of this year is going to take place in the beautiful Biesbosch. 

We have a subcommittee that organises the SF weekend called the BinEx (Binnenlandse excursie). Each year a new committee is formed for them. Last year we went to Enschede. It was a huge success, with a delicious beer tasting and we went 'padellen' We also had a fun BBQ. This year we will go somewhere else. Make sure to sign up if you want to get to know your fellow plantlets more and have fun!

Next to the activities we organize ourselves, we also organize parties together with other study associations, like an integration party that is held every year. The nicest event is called the ‘farmer games’, with games like pushing a tractor as fast as possible. After that there will be a party!

We hope to see you at our next activity!

Femke Schoenmakers, Emma Meulblok, Jelmer Visser, Ilse van den Heuvel, Anne Strijtveen, Michael Schelling, and Sebastiaan Hassink (chair)


Our Sponsors

  • Agri Recruitment
  • Anthura
  • Barenbrug
  • Beekenkamp
  • Bejo Zaden
  • B-mex
  • Boerenverstand
  • De Groot en Slot
  • Delphy
  • Enza Zaden
  • Hazera
  • Hilverda
  • KNPV
  • Limagrain France
  • Limagrain Nederland
  • PlantLighting
  • Plense Technologies
  • Rijk Zwaan
  • Royal Cosun
  • Seed Valley
  • Vertify